Three States of Milk
This three piece series aims to linger on the moment before something “final” is about to happen, the milk is about to be spilled, the glass is about to break. It forces us to stop and absorb the effect and tension of that impending change, making us wonder what will follow and is there any reality once the inevitable happens.
Glass of Milk
Jewish Filter -“Do I Look Like a Jew?”
My intentions for this project was to demonstrate the absurdity and extremist of racism/ anti-Semitism. The source of the identification of Jews with a big hooked nose, droopy beady dark vicious eyes, large lips, large ears, short hands and legs etc, stems from characterisation of witches and horrid figures (for example: Baba Yaga). This Caricature was personified by anti-Semitic propaganda mainly in the 19th and 20th century. I aim to radicalise and demonstrate the absurdity of determining a Jewish look based on strong negative projection but no real facts. The Instagram’s popularity and its wide spread use of filters allows users to improve/ change/ add to their appearance. Users improve their skin conditions, tone, their eye shape and such, in aspiration for a “flawless” Barbie doll look.
The filter I’ve created challenges both the need to look mainstream “perfect” and to revisit racist concepts. It invited users who may have presumed concept about Jews, even though they have never in reality interacted with Jewish people to challenge ill-founded graphic anti-Semitic concepts and to challenge users ability to look at an “ugly” version of themselves.